Senin, 31 Agustus 2009

WAYANG ( Indonesia )

Performance of Wayang Leather Puppet
Wayang Puppet Theater
Wayang Wong or Wayang Orang
Wayang Topeng or Wayang Gedog, etc.
Batara Guru and the world of Gods
Semar and other Ponokawans
Wayang Kulit and Jawa
Wayang Figure
Wayang Kingdom

Family and Social life ( Indonesia )

The Role of father and Mother

The family and social life play an important place for the Javanese. For a traditional Javanese, it is beyond imagination to be separated from the life of his or her families. A good family always respects their parents, father as the head of family and mother as the backbone. To respect the parents and ancestors, there is a proverb saying 'mikul duwur, mendem jero' (carry on shoulders highly, bury deeply), which means always honor them, remember the good things they have done, forget the bad ones.

Lebaran or Idul Fitri

The most important family reunion is the day of Lebaran or Idul Fitri, after one month of fasting period. It is celebrated everywhere, within the families, between friends, in the offices, etc.

Special Lebaran 'ketupat' dishes are served (rice cake boiled in rhombus, shaped packet of plaited coconut leaves), chickens, boiled eggs, sambal goreng, etc. People from the lowest strata to the president of the country are joyful celebrating the Lebaran.

Between family, there is a 'Sungkeman' or 'ngabekten' ceremony, asking sincere forgiveness and blessing. For detail ngabekten ceremony in royal families, please see article 'Garebeg', sub-title of "The Garebeg Procession in Karatons".

In fact, Lebaran has become the biggest social and national holidays. In this days and during the month, the people are using this occasion to ask forgiveness from one to the others. The younger will visit the elder, shaking with both hands or the younger should kiss the right hand of the elder.

A lot of visits to families, friends should be made. All the traffic in Java is densely crowded. Cars are moving bumpers to bumpers. The trains, buses, airplanes are fully books. Approximately 30 (thirty) millions people are travelling in the island of Java, wishing to celebrate Lebaran with their families !

Be well prepared if a foreign traveler would like to visit Central Java at this time, make all the necessary booking at the latest one month in advance, for the flights and also the hotels.

Visiting Each Other

The Javanese value highly social life. Although, they are busy, but they will find time and opportunities to visit families and friends. Individualism is not popular here. Many gathering or parties are organized to celebrate some events, such as birthday, wedding, a boy circumcision, X-mas (for Christians, but now non Christians could be also invited) and many kinds of 'Slametan' (praying by several people, with foodstuff offering in the form of rice cone with side dishes).

Sport Activities

Sports are also popular in this country, modern and traditional sports. There is a ministry of youth and sports the Indonesian acronym is DEPORA, guiding these activities and also Committee for National sports Organization (the Indonesia acronym is KONI).

The modern sports consisting among other badminton (Indonesia is one of the world power), tennis, football soccer, basketball, volley ball, athletics, boxing, etc. The traditional sport, which is very popular, is art of self-defense. The art of self-defense is divided by two big groups :

  1. The first is using physical liveliness, skill and ability.
  2. The second group is using inner power. When inner power is well developed, the person could resist, for instance the heat of fire, snake bites, a stab of sharp knife., blow of a big stone or iron.
There are many different clubs of these self defense activities, from the first as well as from the second group. A separate article of art of self-defense should be gradually composed.


Arts in this country have been known since the ancient time, that is the traditional arts. But nowadays, modern arts do exist too.
Modern music, playing and singing local and foreign songs could be heard and seen almost everywhere.
Paintings and arts galleries, exhibiting or selling ordinary products or some masterpiece can be found in Yogya, Solo and Semarang.
Modern theaters are only performed from time to time.

Traditional dance performances are routine events in Yogya and Solo. The performance of leather puppet (wayang kulit) and wayang orang (played by human) can be seen in Yogya and Solo.


Living in harmony is very important for Javanese, harmonious life in the family with neighbors, friends, colleagues at place of work, etc. Harmony gives a balance in life, which in turn should give a happy and safe motivation of life.

With this point of view, no wonder Javanese are easy to find something pleasure in simple things, even for becak drivers, who have to use a lot of physical energy to gain some rupiahs, they can enjoy themselves easily waiting for the next passengers. They sing a simple song, Uro-uro (Javanese old song) while smoking their kretek. Sometimes they play cards (domino), jokingly, ridiculing each other and everyone is amused.

Neighborhood Gathering

In 1960's to 1980's, in the evening some neighbors shall chat together in some one's house, talking for the experience of the day or just over something, from time to time laughter are heard, while drinking their sweet and warm tea and smoking kretek.

This is one of cheap ways they make relaxation of mind, as tomorrow they have to work again. In working as well as in life, they stick to Principle of "Ojo ngoyo" or "Don't be too pushy", it will keep you young for a longer period.

Family Gathering

Nowadays, when all cities in this country have electricity and many parts of country site as well, it seems that people in the evening gather with their own family watching TV programs.

A present, there are several TV channels upon audience choice. TV has become the cheapest entertainment means beside radio, and many families own CD and videocassettes.

Some people prefer outside amusements such as cinema, karaoke, pub and discotheque. Sometime, in weekend, they go picnicking to some places of interest, to the mountain, to the beach or some good holiday resorts. Fishing is also a popular entertainment.

Hobby of Domestic Pets

The favorite domestic pets among other are dogs, cats and birds. There are several colorful cute birds which sing beautifully, such as canaries, parakeets, doves, pigeons, cockatoos, starlings, mynas, parrots, perkutut (turtle doves), poksay, cucakrawa, etc. Some richer people have peacocks - the elegant birds.

From the chicken family, the more common are turkey, guinea fowl, jungle fowl, but most popular is bekisar (cross between female domestic chicken and male jungle fowl). The birds of poksay, cucakrawa and perkutut are very popular, especially perkutut is a bird of pride according to local tradition.

A Javanese gentleman can sit hours, while sipping his sweet tea and smoking his kretek cigarettes, listening to his perkutut gentle songs.

Perkutut is treated with special care, placed in a special cage designed only for this bird. From time to time, this bird is given jamu (herbal medicine) to beautify his voice and also bathed. The local fascination towards perkutut dates back centuries. It could be valued from its physical characteristics, which could bring safety and fortune to the owner and from its magical voice. These species could live as long as 100 years. The price of perkutut varies from US$ 1.00 (for the young and untrained) up to the same price of the latest model of a BMW car!!! The perkutut song competition is very interesting to be attended.

The fascination of perkutut is probably linked with Javanese traditional behavior, saying : That a man is considered to be a real man if he already has a house, a wife, a horse, a keris and a bird. It has, of course, symbolic meaning.

The Famous Mo - Limo

A person must avoid Mo Limo, the five words begin with letter M, which are:

  1. Maling : to steal
  2. Madon : to commit adultery
  3. Minum : to get drunk due to excessive use of alcoholic drinking
  4. Madat : to lose one's mind due to opium, morphine, drugs, etc.
  5. Main : to gamble with money
in order to get a good conduct and respected by others.


Crime is a foe of every normal society in the world. Due to mostly economic reasons, crime does exist in this country, although as not as cruel like in the movies.

Visitors should be careful with their belongings. Keep it in a safe place, in hotel for instance, keep in the safety box. The police have set up a special unit of Polisi Pariwisata (Tourist Police Unit) to protect the tourists visiting the country.

(Suryo S. Negoro)

GAMELAN ( Indonesia )

Almost every where in Yogya, Solo, Semarang and other cities in Central Java, in Karatons, in the market, in the villages, in the hotel's lobby, you should hear the magical melodious percussion music - the gamelan Javanese orchestra.

In his book 'music of Java' Jaap Kunst says, "Gamelan is comparable to only two things, moonlight and flowing water. ...mysterious like moonlight and always changing like flowing water ...".

Gamelan music is an integral part of all cultural activities in Java such as wayang kulit (leather puppets) performance, court dance, uyon-uyon (symphony orchestra performance), etc. There are two kinds of laras (tuning) in gamelan, namely slendro (comparable to minor key in Western music) and Pelog (major key). A complete set of gamelan consist of two sets of different instruments of Slendro and Pelog, such as:

  1. Kendang (double ended drum beaten by hands)
    It is a leading instrument. The pengendang (drumer) is the conductor of the gamelan orchestra. There are five (5) different sizes of kendang from 20 cm to 45 cm.

  2. Saron
    A glockenspiel with bronze bar struck with wooden mallet. There are three kinds; Saron Barung, Saron Peking, Saron Demung.

  3. Bonang Barung
    A double row of bronze kettles resting on a horizontal frame, played with two long stick bound with red cord at the striking end.
  4. Bonang Penerus

  5. Slentem
    Thin bronze bars suspended over bamboo resonating chambers, struck with a padded disc on the end of a stick.
  6. Gender
    Similar to slentem with more bronze keys and smaller bamboo chamber, struck with two disc-shaped hammers.

  7. Gambang
    Wooden bars laid over a wooden frame struck with two sticks of supple buffalo horn, ending with a small, round, padded disc.
  8. Gong
    Each slendro and pelog set had three gongs. Two big gongs (Gong Ageng) and one gong Suwukan about 90 cm, made from bronze, suspended on a wooden frame. It marks the end of the largest phrase of the melody.

  9. Kempul
    Smaller gongs, marks a smaller phrase. In each slendro and pelog set, there are 6 (six) or 10 (ten) kempuls.
  10. Kenong
    Smaller gongs lay horizontally on crossed cord, inside a wooden frame. A complete set of kenong in each slendro and pelog consist of 10 (ten) kenongs.

  11. Ketug
    The kenong player also plays it smaller kenong, marks subdivisions of phrases.
  12. Clempung
    A string instrument, each slendro and pelog set needs one clempung.
  13. Siter
    Smaller cemplung, each slendro and pelog set needs one siter

  14. Suling
    It is a flute, each slendro and pelog set, needs one suling.
  15. Rebab
    A two stringed viol, the same as slendro and pelog.
  16. Keprak and Kepyak
    Needed for gamelan to accompany dances.
  17. Bedug
    It is a very big drum.

The bars of the gamelan instruments can be made either from iron, copper or bronze. The bronze bars are the best choice. All the gamelan players are sitting cross-legged on a mat during a performance.

In a gamelan music concert or karawitan performance, the Kendang player or pengendang conducts the Tempo, while the melody is led by the bonang player

The gamelan orchestra includes some singers (Pesinden), female as well as male. There are some very famous Pesindens, their names are almost known by everybody in this region.

Some believe that in the ancient time, the first set of gamelan, by the name of Lokananta was created by gods and played in Mount Lawu, Eastward of Solo.

In short the history of gamelan was as follow:
The first gamelan was the three-toned Munggang, then the five-toned slendro gamelan and the last: the seven-toned pelog gamelan.

In the laras slendro, there are:

  • Slendro patet nem
  • Slendro patet sanga
  • Slendro patet manyura
In the laras pelog, there are:
  • Pelog patet lima
  • Pelog patet nem
  • Pelog patet barong

Patet is a place to lay the gending or to establish the gending. In the wayang kulit (shadow puppet) whole night show, the gamelan plays,
Slendro patet nem from 9.00-12.00 p.m.
Slendro patet sanga from 00.00-03.00 a.m.
Slendro patet manyura from 03.00-06.00 a.m.

For an experienced gamelan player it should not difficult to determine the patet of a particular gamelan music. Or it can be said that patet is used to create mood, with the gamelan accompaniment. It is already known that various gamelan tunes are played to create different atmosphere of the situation or feeling such as joy, sorrow, anger etc.

The Best Gamelans in Java

(Suryo S. Negoro)


a specific music from Java

When a traveler visiting Java, in Central Java or in Jakarta, sometimes he / she hears a music with special beat , it's so melodious, romantic. The music instruments are western but played in a special way which can not be found in any other part of the world.

One of the famous song is Bengawan Solo (River Solo), composed by Solonese senior artist Mr. GESANG. Bengawan Solo is not heard only in Solo or Indonesia, but its popularity has crossed the border to other countries of South East Asia & Japan . This is " The classic" of Kroncong music . Nowadays , Kroncong still has its valuable place in the world of music entertainment performed in front of the audience, in the television & radio.

The origin of Kroncong Music

This music had been first played around the year 1600 AP . Some people say that it was a modification or influenced by portuquese music.

Mr. Andjar Any, the president of Hamkri (Association of Indonesia Kroncong Artists) Solo branch, categorically says that Kroncong music is purely Indonesian. The 61 year-old artist, a journalist strongly supports his theory. In his profession he has traveled around the world and he did not found any music similar to Kroncong even in Portugal or its ex colony. It is a probability, that our people saw the European played their music with western music instruments hundreds years ago in the old days, the Kroncong had its root in Jakarta with its Kroncong Tugu (Tugu is a village in the coast of Jakarta) & Central Java.

He had composed more than 2000 songs, among other the famous Yen ing Tawang ana lintang (If there are stars in the sky), known by almost Javanese people, as it is in Javanese language. Many of his songs have been sung also in English & Mandarin. Although he has not been asked for approval, he does not mind, he is happy if others could enjoy his composition.

The present Kroncong

In the development, it is quite understandable if Kroncong has a deep root in Yogyakarta & Central Java, it can live in harmony side by side with Javanese gamelan music. In fact Kroncong & Gamelan , they have similarity in their rules of composition.
Kroncong music has push highly some stars of Kroncong such as :
Senior singers of Solo & Yogya, Mrs. Surip with her sparkling ball eyes, Mrs Any Landau, Sapari , S. Darmanto, Ismanto, Bram Aceh and from the younger generation such as Waljinah with her song " Walang Kekek", Mini Satria, Sundari Sukoco, Wiwiek Sumbogo, Mus Mulyadi etc.

Keroncong music sometimes mixed with other instruments & beats.
The compursari music : combining Kroncong & gamelan music instruments innovated by a senior artist , MR, MANTHOUS of Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta, is now very popular.

The Kroncong songs are also sometimes played with REGGAE or DANGDUT beats. According to Andjar Any , this development is not destructive, it is a process, it is a proof that kroncong has a place in the heart of Indonesian society.

(Suryo S. Negoro)


Batik is one of Java's famous and highly developed art traditions, together with wayang (shadow puppets), gamelan (Javanese orchestra) and keris (the dagger - heirloom).

Anywhere, batik designed materials are clearly seen as women traditional dresses, shirts, uniforms, sarongs, bags, hats, table-cloths, napkins, painting and decorative items, etc, with traditional color of brown, indigo and blue or more colorful ones.

Nowadays, batik is an important industry in many production centers in Java. It is a proof that the people of Java do love the products, long time ago created by their ancestors.

The Symbolic Meaning of Batik's Motifs

The motifs of Batik, especially with old pattern, as in other field of Javanese tradition are symbolizing something. Might be, this is one of the reasons, why people still adore batik up to present date. Some of the motifs are :

  1. Sido Mulyo :
    Sido (you should be ), mulyo (happy). Symbolizing 'you should be happy and rich man'.
  2. Sido Dadi :
    Symbolizing 'you should be a man/woman as you wish (prosperous, high ranking position, wealthy, etc)'.
  3. Satrio Wibowo :
    Symbolizing 'Man with dignity'.
  4. Tikel Asmorodono :
    Tikel (more), Asmoro (love), Dono (gift).
    It is meant the one who wears this batik, should be loved more and more by others.
The Process of Batik Making

Batik, in Javanese means 'To Dot'. Basically there are two kinds of batik; Batik Tulis (hand drawn) and Batik Cap (stamped). The price of batik tulis is much more expensive than batik cap.


A canting (a pen like instrument with a small reservoir of liquid wax) is applied to the cloth of batik tulis making. The tracing of the desired design on to the prepared cloth is the first stage of making followed by the technique of applying wax and dye substances. At the final stage of the process, all the wax scraped off and the cloth boiled to remove all traces of the wax. This process of repeatedly waxing and dyeing is the batik process, used until nowadays in Java and other parts of Indonesia.

So, this kind art of batik is an indigenous to the country. The wax used in batik process is a combined product of paraffin, bees-wax, plant resins called gondorukem and mata kucing.

Batik cap, which is also using the waxing process, its process of course faster and easier. But people appreciation of batik tulis is higher, it is really a work of an artist not only a craftsman. It combines the expertise, patience, deep feeling to produce the finest product, and it may take days, weeks and even months to make only a batik tulis

The Cities of Batik

Yogyakarta and Solo are the centers of traditional of batiks, as the north coastal town of Pekalongan is the center of more modern batiks, using more floral and birds motifs. There are some well-known artists of batik design in Yogya and Solo, as well as some big batik manufacturers with famous trademarks.

The growing production of batik makes way to the establishment of mori (woven cotton fabrics) factories in Yogya and Central Java. The Batik research Institute was founded in Yogya.

When Batik is Worn

Batik dresses are worn for several purposes, such as ;

  1. Informal Dresses
    It is a free choice, usually for daily casual wear.
  2. Formal Occasions
    In some parties, as a state banquets, receptions, etc, the invitees are requested to wear batik. Long sleeves shirts for the men and 'kain batik' (long batik to cover the lower body) for the women.
  3. Traditional Occasions
    It is worn to present the traditional wedding ceremonies, special ceremonies for the Royal families, etc.
In a wedding ceremony the bride and the bridegroom wear the same motif of batik Sidomukti, symbolizing a happiness and prosperous life. Using the same motif symbolizing the togetherness. The parents of the bride and the bridegroom wear batik with motif of Truntum, symbolizing the advice of the parents to the newly weds to enter the new life with full of love and confidence.

Traditional Dress

Women's traditional dress, especially in Yogya and Solo court families, consisting of :

  1. Jarit or Tapih or Sinjang
    A 'kain panjang' (long cloth of batik) measuring around 2 m x 1 m to cover the lower body, tightened with stagen (large waist band)
  2. Kebaya
    It is a traditional long sleeved shirt (the material used is not from batik, usually from silk and other fine materials).
  3. Selendang
    It is used as attractive piece of clothing to compliment the traditional dress. The 2 m x 0,5 m selendang cloth hung over one shoulder.
  4. Kemben or Semekan
    It is special for ceremonies in Karaton (palace) or Royal family ceremonies. Instead of wearing Kebaya, to cover the upper body, a kemben is worn.
Men's Traditional Dresses
  1. Jarit or Bebed
    Men kain panjang, tightened with stagen.
  2. Surjan
    Men traditional long sleeved shirt (only for Yogya style) and the material is not batik.
  3. Beskap
    Instead of wearing surjan, the men wear a coat (beskap of Solo style or Atila of Yogya style), the materials is not batik.
  4. Blangkon
    It is a headgear made from batik.
  5. Keris
    The dagger is worn at backside of the waist, as a compliment to the dress.

Is a very long jarit to cover the lower body. It is worn only on a very special occasion such as the king coronation by the king himself. The wearing of dodot or kampuhan is very complicated. It may take two hours to wear a dodot with the help of specialist-dressers!

(Suryo S. Negoro)

KERIS ( Indonesia )

The most famous pusaka or heirloom for Javanese people is Keris (dagger). In the ancient time, a man is not considered as a real man if he has no keris. The keris is highly valued, treated and respected with special care.

This pusaka is usually inherited from fore fathers. According to Javanese ancient tradition, especially in the court families, a father was obliged to give to his adult son at least a keris.

In general, keris is divided to two important parts, the blade (Wilah) and the scabbard (Warangka), to protect the blade. The process of the making of the blade in the old days may last one year only for one keris. The keris maker is called an Empu. Only the respectable Empus could make a high quality keris, physically and spiritually. Empu has to do some spiritual deeds to prepare a keris, like fasting, not sleeping for several days and nights, meditation, etc.

In Principle, a keris is a personal sacred weapon, it is made by an Empu, in accordance with the wish of the consumer. The manufacturing of keris is complicated, for short as the following :
At workshop with good fire plate to case the row materials such as 5 kg iron plate, measuring; 4 cm wide, 2 cm thick, 15 cm long; 50 gr of nickel and 0,5 kg of steel. The iron is heated until it become smaller, it forges again and again. The 5 kg iron become 2 kg forged iron. The nickel inserted in between the forged iron, smolder them, forged them carefully to produce the desired 'pamor' or surface pattern. Afterward the steel sheet, together with above forged iron and nickel, smolder and forge again.

In this stage the keris should be made Keris Lurus (a straight keris) or Keris Luk (keris with curves). The keris should be formed in accordance to the blue print, using several tools such as; rough fine, triangular files, grindstone and chisels.
Afterwards the keris should be heated but not smoldered and than plated, to make the keris more durable. After it has been plated, it should be soaked in a mix solution of sulfur, lemon juice and salt. The keris is ready and its weight is about 0,4 kg.
The Physical Characteristic of Keris :
  1. Keris Lurus (straight Keris) and Keris Luk (curved keris)
  2. Dapur
    Dapur or shape is the keris specific form or type and identified by particular combination of parts and curved (luk). The meaning of dapur is based on certain standard which is called Pakem Dapur Keris. The names of dapur among other :
    • Sangga Buwono
    • Jangkung Mangkurat
    • Pasopati
    • Tilam Upih
    • Sengkelat
    • Jalak Nyucup Madu
    • Etc.
  3. Tangguh
    Tangguh is the estimated era of keris making. It is linked with prominent kingdoms, such as ;
    • Tangguh Kahuripan of XI AD
    • Tangguh Singasari of XII AD
    • Tangguh Pajajaran of XIII AD
    • Tangguh Majapahit of XIV AD
    • Tangguh Mataram of XIV - XVI AD
    • Tangguh Kartosuro
    • Tangguh Surokarto
    • Tangguh Yogyakarta
    • Etc.
  4. Pamor
    Surface pattern of a keris blade, the design has not been carved, it appears as a result of forging technique of different metals.
    Some pamor's name are :
    • Ilining Warih
    • Wos Wutah
    • Lintang Kemukus
    • Udan Mas
    • Mlati Sumebar
The magical Power of Keris

Despite its physical characteristic, keris contain a spiritual mission.

  1. The original spiritual power is the wishes of the Empu, the maker. While preparing and making a keris, the Empu, in the holy state, solemnly pray to God Almighty, the keris should contain spiritual wishes as requested by the Empu or the consumer.
    It depends who is going to use the keris, the mission should be different, for instance, for the kings, begawans (priest), generals, high ranking officials, farmers, traders, fishermen, workers, soldiers, etc. So, it could be easy to understand that a keris which good for king , may be not good for a trader.
  2. The Additional and/or Other Spiritual Power of Keris.
    The keris could be filled with spiritual beings, unseen by ordinary people, such as a genie, (jin or qodam) in order to protect or to help the keris owner.

The Physical characteristic of Keris, also symbolizing its mission.
  1. Dapur : Jalak Ngucup Madu (jalak is a starling, a kind of bird; ngucup is drink; madu is honey). The wish is clear, the owner of the keris should live in prosperity.
  2. Pamor : Udan Mas (udan is rain; mas is gold). The keris has a mission to help its owner to have an abundant wealth.
  3. A. Keris Lurus or Straight Keris, symbolizing self-confidence, strong mentality.
    B.Keris Luk or Keris with Curved
    Luk 3 : symbolizing a success to achieve some wishes.
    Luk 5 : to be loved by other people
    Luk 7 : dignity.
    Luk 9 : dignity, charismatic and leadership.
    Luk 11 : to achieve high position
    Luk 13 : peaceful and stability of live.
Definition of a Good Keris

A keris is considered 'good' if it has perfect physical characteristics and at the same time contains good and strong spiritual power.

Menayuh Keris

As it has been explained above, that keris is originally a very personal heirloom, fit only for the owner.

Nowadays, there are a lot of keris in the market for sale, the term used is not buying and selling, but Mas Kawin (Bride price).

How could someone know that a keris should be fit for buyer ?
The keris should be tayuh (asked), what is its missions, who is the Empu, etc, of course by an expert in this field who has ability to communicate with a keris.

The Price of Keris

The price in terms of money are very variable, depends to its quality. 'Ordinary'
keris should be around Rp. 250.000,- (US$ 100), but a masterpiece could reach as high as US$ 50.000 !!!

(Suryo S. Negoro)

Tari Pendet / Pendet Dance ( Indonesia )

Tari Pendet or Pendet Dance is a traditional dance from Bali Indonesia that was originally a dance of religious worship. Tari Pendet is used to play in a Hindu's Temple in Bali. This dance symbolizes the reception on the descent of gods into the earth. Lately, over the development period, the Bali artists change this dance to be a welcome dance although it still contains of sacred-religious symbols

About Tari Pendet

Unlike another performing dance that require intensive training, Tari Pendet could be danced by everybody, man and woman, children and adult people. This dance is taught simply by following the move from the leader usually is an elder or senior woman.

Tari Pendet is performed in groups or pairs. This dance is used to play after the Tari Rejang in a Pura's (Hindu Temple in Bali) yard and generally facing the direction of the sacred (Pelinggih) with ceremonial dress and each dancer brings sangku (Balinese traditional religious equipment), jars, bowls and another equipment of offerings.

Another varian of Tari Pendet is Tari Baris Pendet. If Tari Pendet usually performed by woman dancer, the Tari Baris Pendet is performed by man dancer that dances while carrying offerings (gifts to the gods). Tari Pendet is not just a traditional dance but more than that it is a Balinese life style. It's a part of Balinese cultural and religious life.

Balinese people used to learn Tari Pendet since young and wherever they are in the world, they could dance the Tari Pendet.