Jumat, 06 Januari 2012
MOBIL ESEMKA: Pesanan sudah capai 2.000 unit
JAKARTA: Pembuatan mobil Esemka libatkan Usaha Kecil Menengah (UKM) di 33 titik dan jumlah pesanan dalam hitungan hari sudah mencapai 2000 unit, kata Joko Sutrisno, Direktur Pembinaan SMK, Kemdikbud, hari ini.
"Selama ini mitra pembuatan mobil Esemka sejak 2008 memang dengan usaha kecil. Kami akan jalan terus membuat mobil rakitan Esemka meski banyak yang berwacana dengan mobnas itu," kata Joko.
Dia sendiri optimistis dengan langkah yang ditempuh karena insyaallah tinggal uji ulang dan penyempurnaan lainnya. Soal pesanan yang melonjak dia juga menyikapi dengan positif.
"Kalau siswa SMK jurusan otomotif semakin banyak yang membuat mobil maka media belajarnya semakin luas dan SMK nantinya melahirkan lulusan dengan SDM yang trampil," kata Joko
Pasalnya SMK yang dibanjiri pesanan mobil Esemka seperti di Solo, misalnya akan mendistribusikan pekerjaan ke SMK lain ke berbagai daerah.
"Soal mobil Esemka prinsipnya kita akan jalan terus produksi karena memang menjadi media pembelajaran dan tinggal menyempurnakan saja.
Senada dengan Joko Sutrisno, usaha kecil yang selama ini bermitra dengan SMK, PT Nasional Motor optimistis mobil-mobil Esemka bisa berseliweran di jalan-jalan utama kota-kota besar karena produksi SMK tidak kalah dengan buatan pabrikan besar.
"Kami bahkan bersama siswa SMK I Purwosari, Pasuruan tengah membuat dua unit bus masing-masing kapasitas 50 seat yang tengah di kerjakan kroyokan. Tiga bulan lagi bus selesai dan kirim ke SMK di Bali untuk mobil panggung keliling," kata Priyono, konsultan Otomotif Kemdikbud dari PT Nasional Motor, Jatim.
Selama ini, kata Prijono, Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) terbatas hanya melahirkan sumber daya manusia (SDM) otomotif maupun beragam prototipe mobil nasional di tanah air.
"Tapi sejak 2009 sudah banyak prototipe mobil nasional dilahirkan dari tangan trampil siswa SMK di Malang mulai dari Digdaya 1, Digdaya 2, Rajawali dan tipe-tipe mobil nasional lainnya dengan brand Esemka yang kerap dipamerkan di tingkat provinsi maupun tingkat nasional," ujarnya.
Kalau sudah banyak pejabat yang mau mengganti mobil dinasnya dengan hasil rakitan siswa SMK, maka suatu langkah kemajuan hingga akhirnya benar-benar akan lahir mobil nasional yang diakui seluruh bangsa ini.
Joko Sutrisno menambahkan dengan besarnya minat masyarakat atas mobil Esemka tersebut maka pihaknya optimistis akan melahirkan pelaku UKM otomotif yang besar.
"Bukan siswa SMK saja yang pintar merakit, UMKM di Indonesia selama ini sudah teruji membuat berbagai komponen otomotif sehingga sinergi SMK dan industri kecil itulah lahir prototipe mobnas," tegas Joko.(api)
Lurah Se-Solo Dipesankan Motor Esemka
SOLO - Tak hanya berhenti di pemesanan mobil Esemka, Pimpinan DPRD Solo akhirnya menyetujui pengadaan sepeda motor dinas untuk lurah-lurah di Kota Solo yang akan diambil juga dari hasil kreasi anak-anak SMK.
Banyak yang tidak mengetahui, selain mampu membuat Kiat Esemka, para siswa SMK di Solo juga mampu membuat sepeda motor. Berbeda dengan mobil, sepeda motor buatan mereka nasibnya jauh lebih beruntung. Pasalnya, sepeda motor Esemka sudah mengantongi izin dan sudah diperjualbelikan di pasaran
“Pengadaannya diambilkan dari sepeda motor buatan anak-anak SMK saja. Saya yakin, kalau membeli motor Esemka dananya tidak sebesar jika beli sepeda motor buatan pabrik,”jelas Ketua DPRD YF Sukasno, kepada wartawan, di Solo, Jumat (6/1/2012)
Menurut Sukasno, selain menghemat anggaran, dengan membeli sepeda motor buatan pelajar sendiri bisa menjadi motivasi bagi siswa SMK untuk membuat karya yang lebih bagus lagi. Sekaligus menghargai hasil karya anak bangsa sendiri.
Apalagi, tambah Sukasno, dari informasi yang diterimanya, sepeda motor Esemka sudah diproduksi secara massal. Dan dipasarkan oleh produsen motor lokal. Bahkan sudah beredar di pasaran sejak beberapa waktu lalu.
“Saya lihat di SMKN 5 Solo, ada sepeda motor Esemka tipenya Pesona 5. Pas untuk kerja lurah. Cc-nya 125, rem cakram. Yang terpenting harganya terjangkau, Rp8 jutaan, surat-surat komplit,” jelasnya.
Sementara itu, Kepala SMKN 5 Solo Sudarto mengatakan, khusus untuk produk motor Esemka di sekolahnya sudah dipasarkan sebanyak 60 unit. Hanya saja, pemasarannya memang dibantu salah satu produsen motor lokal.
“Kami kerjasama dengan salah satu produsen motor untuk pemasarannya,” pungkasnya. (
Rabu, 09 September 2009
Review Jupiter MX 135Lc
Pada akhir tahun 2007 lalu saya memutuskan untuk membeli motor Yamaha Jupiter MX, motor ini adalah motor kedua saya setelah motor pertama saya Honda Supra X 125 hancur akibat kecelakaan yang saya alami, sejak membeli motor ini saya sangat mengagumi sekali dari mulai desainnya yang futuristik hingga kinerja mesinnya. Kinerja mesinnya sangat responsif walaupun kalah tenaga di banding dengan saingan terberatnya suzuki Satria FU 150 cc. Namun menurut saya untuk tarikan awal lebih bertenaga di bandingkan dengan suzuki satria fu 150 cc.
yah walaupun setelah gigi 5 dan 6 motor saya tertinggal jauh di belakang namun hal ini wajar saja. Mengingat beda Teknologi yang diterapkan, antara SOHC dan DOHC. belum lagi beda cc yang sangat mencolok.
harga dan kualitas yang ditawarkan menurut saya bersaing. Mengingat belum ada motor yang menggunakan teknologi seperti itu di kelas bebek. teknologi seperti Liquid Cooler, Diasil silinder dan Forged Piston.
Lebaran oh lebaran .........
Pada hari ini (9/9/09) telah diputuskan oleh pimpinan perusahaan tempat aku bekerja bahwa gaji bulan september dibayarkan tanggal 28/9/09, padahal nyata-nyata pada kalender perusahaan tertulis bahwa gaji bulan september dibayarkan pada tanggal 12/9/09 berbarengan dengan THR, padahal kalender perusahaan itu dibuat oleh manajemen dan disetujui oleh direktur sejak awal tahun 2009, dengan demikian direktur sudah tidak menepati janjinya. Terpaksa deh aku berlebaran dengan duit seadanya, memang keputusan itu tidak terlalu berpengaruh terhadap ku tetapi lain ceritanya dengan teman-temanku yang akan berlebaran di kampung halamannya, mereka itu butuh biaya lebih untuk bekal berangakat ke kampung halamannya....."Aku sudah tidak percaya lagi sama manajemen perusahaan tempatku bekerja"......
Senin, 07 September 2009
Garut, 3/7/2009 (Kominfo-Newsroom) – Division Head of Human Relations for National Aeronautics and Space Institute (LAPAN), Elly Kuntjahyowati, said on Friday (3/7), LAPAN was successfully launched RX-420, which was the biggest rocket manufactured by LAPAN, and got its “Golden Data” status. All data parameter were recorded in the first ten seconds after it was launched from Cilauteuren Rocket Launching Station, the LAPAN test-fly installation, in Pameungpeuk-Garut.
Based on the Golden Data identifying the motor and rocket fuel was in a good condition, LAPAN could reconstruct the flying rocket performances with 5% error ratio. This launch was part of satellite launch rocket (RPS) production that was projected to fly in 2014. Before this launch, LAPAN had also successfully tested static RX-420 on 23 December 2008 in Tarogong, West Java, that produced 100 ton second power, as well as two 320 mm diameters rockets RX-320 on 2 July and 30 May 2009, in Pameungpeuk, Garut, West Java. Besides RX-420, two RX-100 were also tested to fly. It had 110 mm diameters, 30 kg launch weight, 1900 mm length.
Chief Engineer of RX-420, Lilis Maryani, said the test-flies were accomplished to find out the technical specifications before it would be applied to RPS with elevation angle of 700, maximum high of 53 km, radius of 101 km, and speed of 4.4 mach.
Minister of Research and Technology, Dr. Kusmayanto Kadiman, acknowledged that rocket technology is the high-ranked program of LAPAN in which the development proposed is only for the sake of peace or people’s welfare, such as the weather and focus point observation.
Besides Kusmayanto and Marzan A. Iskandar, Head of the Assessment and Implementation of Technology Agency (BPPT), this test-fly of the biggest LAPAN rocket was also attended by the representatives of Indonesian Institute of Science (LIPI), Department of Defense, Indonesian National Army and State Police, Indonesian Aerospace (PT DI), and PT Bukaka.
Elly explained that RPS, which will be launched in the next 5 years by Indonesia, is designed of 4 levels, that are 3 levels of RX-420 and 1 level of RX-320. It is expected that the RX-420 can be a RPS booster which will be developed by LAPAN continually.
As published on
Toshiba Satellite M505-S4940 All-Purpose Laptop
Darren Gladstone, PC WorldThough it has awesome audio and decent video, the slick looks of the M505 all-purpose laptop won't fool many people--it's a budget box.
Editor's note: This laptop is a special fixed-configuration model offered only at the Best Buy retail chain.
Toshiba knows a thing or two about squeezing a lot into a little laptop. Has the company succeeded with this student-friendly, $650 (as of 8/11/09) machine? Well, though the M505-S4940 cuts a corner (an obstructed HDMI-out) or two (an integrated GPU, a low-rent CPU), it is a decent deal with some flashy looks--and uninspiring guts.
While it's a little thick, this all-purpose laptop is luggable enough (13.5 by 9.1 by 1.5 inches and about 5.4 pounds) for the scholar on the go. One bonus: It'll get a couple of glances from people in the local coffee shop. Our test unit sported a snazzy, streaky techno pattern painted into the glossy finish, as well as a few LED highlights around the keyboard that offered a subtle glow. The splashy design might distract some people enough that they forget to ask what CPU this hot rod has.
The machine has a low-octane 2GHz Intel Core 2 Duo T4200 processor. Combine that with the 4GB of RAM and the integrated GPU, and the M505 has just enough power to run the 64-bit flavor of Vista Home Premium. The machine earned a fairly mediocre score of 76 in WorldBench 6--it won't win any races, but it will get out of first gear and run basic apps well. It just won't run them for very long: The M505 lasted for only about 3.5 hours in our drain tests, below the 4-hour average. Even Sony's big, beefy 15.5-inch back-to-school special (the VAIO VGN-NW125J) ran for over 4 hours in our tests.
The M505 fares a little better on the multimedia front, with its great 14-inch screen. Offering a 1366 by 768 native resolution and crisp colorful images, the display provides silky smooth video playback. The first episode of Lost streamed off Hulu without a hitch, and though our installed 720p test video (a couple of downloaded movie trailers) was initially slow to boot, it exploded with colors.
Unsurprisingly, in the M505 Toshiba has delivered on the audio. Again. The Harman/Kardon speakers produce crisp sound--better than just about anything in the M505's class. It's the one category where Toshiba has been impressively consistent. On the other hand, there's the touchpad, which is way too tiny for any self-respecting laptop (or netbook, for that matter). If you ask me, it's disappointing considering that Toshiba's own NB205-310 netbook has a touchpad that eclipses the one on the M505.
Why is the touch area so dinky? It can't be to accommodate the keyboard, whose buttons are a little on the small side. Nothing great, nothing silky, nothing to shout about. At least the quick-launch shortcut buttons atop the keys host a few interesting features. A multimedia shortcut key launches a handy app that not only looks nice and lets you quickly flip through multimedia functions, but also doesn't bog down system performance.
An Eco mode button launches a power-saving mode that gives you lots of information--too much information, actually, as it breaks down how much power each computer component consumes. For users who want to be conscious of how much juice they consume, it's a nice little touch. As for other apps, plan to set aside some time to uninstall the hidden "gems" that come baked onto the M505's 320GB hard drive (no complaints about the hard drive itself, though).
The machine carries a fairly standard-issue set of ports, including several legacy ports and one new port. Among the old connections are a PC Card slot, three USB ports, an ethernet connection, a modem, a DVD-RW drive, a VGA-out, and a flash card reader. The new port is an eSATA connection, ideal for high-speed data jockeys. And the M505 also has one big tease: a port that's labeled 'HDMI' but is blocked up with plastic. So for all the masochists out there who want to see--but not touch--what other options are available, the M505 is for you!
In all seriousness, though, the Toshiba Satellite M505-S4940 isn't a horrible laptop--it's just an underpowered portable that could have been so much more. And considering the price, the good multimedia performance isn't enough to make this laptop a clear winner.
Other laptops specially configured for retail sale at Best Buy include the , the , and the . And check out our video coverage of the four laptops from Best Buy in "."
Canon PowerShot SD990 IS
As a fan of Canon’s Digital Elph cameras, I was a bit disappointed by the current flagship model of the series, the 14.7-megapixel PowerShot SD990 IS. My...
As a fan of Canon's Digital Elph cameras, I was a bit disappointed by the current flagship model of the series, the 14.7-megapixel PowerShot SD990 IS. My disappointment lies mostly with the build quality of the PowerShot SD990 IS; it produces image quality that's among the best we've seen of cameras of a similar ilk.
I expect a camera priced at around $400 to feel solid. The PowerShot SD990 IS, which has a plastic body rather than the titanium casing of its predecessor (the PowerShot SD950 IS), feels a bit cheap. This, coupled with a handful of other shortcomings, chips into the camera's excellent performance.
The image quality is indeed outstanding. The PowerShot SD990 IS netted an overall score of Superior in the our lab's jury evaluations, producing some of the best results for color accuracy, lack of distortion, and exposure quality we've ever seen in a point-and-shoot.
However, the plasticky build and some design choices hinder its overall score. Canon released the SD990 alongside the 10-megapixel PowerShot SD880 IS ( Macworld rated 4 out of 5 mice ), its less-expensive (and excellent) Digital Elph sibling. The PowerShot SD880 IS, though, feels as solid as a rock, despite the fact that it, too, has a plastic chassis.
The PowerShot SD990 IS has a control dial on the back of the camera, complementing the four-way navigation pad. The dial makes scrolling through menu options extremely fast, but, on the PowerShot SD990 IS, it jiggles enough to make it feel flimsy. What's more, that dial is suprisingly difficult to use, with its secondary function-switching between program mode and manual mode-unhandy at best. When I was dialing between modes, I often couldn't make it land on the one I wanted. On the SD880, I never had such problems with the control dial.
Another gripe I have with the PowerShot SD990 IS is the focal range: At 36mm to 133mm, the 3.7X optical zoom lens is not a true wide angle. When I compared it to the SD880's 28mm-to-112mm, 4X optical zoom, I started wondering why Canon skimped on the wide-angle with this more expensive model.
So what features make the PowerShot SD990 IS pricier than the PowerShot SD880 IS, other than the higher megapixel count? For starters, it has an optical viewfinder. It also has a wider set of manual controls, including aperture and shutter-speed settings, flash exposure compensation, and manual focus. In Quick Shot mode, the PowerShot SD990 IS continuously adjusts for exposure and focus (even when you remove your finger from the shutter button entirely), thus eliminating shutter lag almost completely. The PowerShot SD990 IS's optical image stabilization is also slightly more powerful than the PowerShot SD880 IS's. And it's available in black or silver.
Like the PowerShot SD880 IS, the PowerShot SD990 IS boasts Canon's Digic 4 image processor, which, along with increased speed, hosts a number of upgrades. These include Servo AF (continual focus adjustment for moving objects), "Intelligent Contrast" (which increases dynamic range), and a fun face-detection timer. About the timer: You set up the camera, hit the shutter button, and, as soon as the camera detects an additional face in the frame (that is, once you jump into the scene), it starts a two-second countdown before snapping three photos. And enough time elapses between shots to change positions, making this feature possibly even more fun than a photo booth. Compared to the "smile detection" functions used by its competitors, the face-detect timer wins hands down.
When connected to a Mac via USB, the PowerShot SD990 IS's SD card appears on the desktop, and you can import the photos into iPhoto.
Macworld's buying advice
Despite the improvements on its predecessor, I can't help but feel that Canon dropped the ball a bit with the PowerShot SD990 IS. Unless you simply can't live without an optical viewfinder or extensive manual controls, I see little reason to spend the extra bucks on the PowerShot SD990 IS. I'd go for the $299 PowerShot SD880 IS.
[Danny Palmerlee is a freelance writer and photographer.]
Minggu, 06 September 2009
Mobile technology may help city dwellers hitch ride
BERLIN (Reuters) - Hitch-hikers have always used their thumbs to get a ride. Now a new invention aims to update the technique -- allowing mobile phone users to dial-a-driver.
The mobile ride-sharing service being developed by researchers in Germany combines internet and mobile technologies to match drivers to passengers for trips around town, without them having to arrange it long beforehand.
While traditional car sharing services require commuters to register routes in advance, the promoters of "OpenRide" say their product enables drivers to enter a destination on their mobile phone when they are already on the road.
A server tracks the vehicle's current location and scans for ride requests. If the software finds a match, the driver is notified and has the option of picking up passengers en route.
The driver and passenger negotiate a fare for the journey, typically covering fuel costs. The developers want to make it possible for passengers to rate drivers, to increase safety.
Online car sharing portals are already a popular way of commuting longer distances between towns and cities in Germany. Numerous websites allow drivers to advertise their journeys and the number of available seats in advance.
The industry has diversified in recent years, with platforms catering specifically for women as well as pet portals to transport four-legged friends.
Rising fuel and train ticket prices coupled with an increasing environmental awareness are all helping to boost its popularity.
Matthias Fluegge, project director at Berlin-based Fraunhofer Fokus research institute, behind "OpenRide," said it should be ready for market release in 2010.
© Thomson Reuters 2009 All rights reserved
Google Street View Dikomplain Lagi
(Foto: Search Engine Journal)
TOKYO - Layanan Google Street View lagi-lagi menuai kritik. Kali ini, giliran warga Jepang yang memprotesnya.
Di negara lain, Google Street View dikritik karena fungsinya yang dinilai terlalu transparan. Tak jauh berbeda, orang-orang di Jepang pun nampaknya merasa tidak nyaman jika transparansi layanan Google ini bisa mengganggu privasi mereka.
Beberapa pengguna di Jepang secara terbuka telah menyampaikan keberatan mereka. Google Jepang telah mengambil gambar dan mempublikasikan foto-foto, tak hanya di jalanan, tetapi juga mempublikasikan foto keadaan dalam rumah penduduk. Selain itu, Google pun menampilkan wajah seseorang dengan sangat jelas hingga plat nomor kendaraan.
Tentu saja yang mereka khawatirkan adalah, pelaku kriminal bisa dengan mudah memanfaatkannya untuk berbagai kepentingan. Demikian keterangan yang dikutip dari Search Engine Journal, Senin (7/9/2009).
Street View di Jepang baru berumur satu tahun. Sejak diluncurkan pada 2008, layanan ini telah menyimpan ribuan gambar kota-kota di Jepang dari berbagai sudut.
Google menyadari bahwa layanan ini bisa menimbulkan banyak masalah. Oleh karenanya, mereka kemudian telah merancang sistem formal dimana para penduduk bisa mengajukan komplain mereka secara resmi. Setelah menerima komplain, Google kemudian akan mengirimkan perintah untuk menghapus gambar yang tidak diinginkan. (rah)
Amerika dan Brasil, Negara Penghasil Spam Tertinggi
foto: google
WASHINGTON - Sepanjang bulan Agustus, Amerika dan Brasil masih dinobatkan sebagai negara penghasil spam terbesar di dunia, meski angka mereka turun dibandingkan spam bulan Juli.
Dilansir melalui PC World, Senin (7/9/2009), perusahaan analis internet Network Box menemukan bahwa pada Agustus ini total volume malware yang tersebar di dunia maya sempat mengalami penurunan jika dibandingkan volume pada bukan Juli.
"Volume malware pada Agustus hampir sama dengan volume pada bulan Juni, di mana pada bulan tersebut terdapat sekira empat virus menghampiri satu pengguna internet sepanjang satu jam. Sedangkan pada bulan Juli, spam meningkat 300 persen," ujar analis dari Network Box Simon Heron.
Volume spam pun menurun cukup signifikan, rata-rata sekira 90 spam email per pengguna internet per jam.
Dalam riset tersebut juga ditemukan, Amerika masih mempertahankan predikat sebagai negara sumber virus terbesar yang mampu memproduksi sekira 15,9 persen dari total virus yang beredar. Langkah Amerika ini diikuti oleh Brasil yang diperkirakan memproduksi sekira 14,5 persen virus.
Namun posisi ini akan terbalik jika kita berbicara mengenai spam. Untuk urusan spam, Brasil menduduki posisi puncak dengan produksi sekira 11,6 persen. Sedangkan Amerika hanya 8,6 persen, disusul oleh Korea Selatan yang mencapai 7,2 persen.
Korea Selatan tidak hanya menduduki posisi 3 sebagai negara produsen spam tapi juga sebagai negara hacker terbesar dengan jumlah serangan yang dilancarkan ke seluruh dunia mencapai 17,3 persen.
"Perusahaan dan individu masih harus waspada dengan adanya serangan-serangan yang akan menjalar ke komputer mereka masing-masing, khususnya phising. Saat ini, phishing attack memiliki kontribusi serangan sebesar 33 persen dari keseluruhan virus yang ada," papar Simon. (srn)
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